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20 Hungarian korona (1892-1914, without 1892 edition)

The 20 Hungarian korona (1892-1914, without 1892 edition) are not rare and expensive coins, but they continue to interest the numismatists of the whole world. It should be noticed that Hungarian antique gold (20 korona gold coin) and silver coins are at the same time the investment. They went into circulation together with the Austrian type coins after the monetary reform on August 2, 1892. It facilitated the transition from the silver to the gold standard. All inscriptions on the coin are made in Hungarian with all royal regalia of Hungary on the obverse and reverse coin’s sides. All Hungarian gold coins in our catalog.

Gold Hungarian coins of 20 korona denomination (1892-1914)

Circulation of 20 Hungarian korona 1892-1914.

The gold coins of 20 korona in the first seven years were issued in millions of samples, and then their number significantly decreased. Thanks to this table you can determine the types of the most common and rare coins of this period. All 20 Korona Hungarian gold coins in our catalog.

Year of Issue Circulation (pcs.)
1892 1779000
1893 5089000
1894 2526000
1895 1935000
1896 1023000
1897 1819000
1898 1281000
1899 712000
1900 435000
1901 510000
1902 523000
1903 505000
1904 572000
1905 526000
1906 353000
1907 194000
1908 138000
1909 459000
1910 85000
1911 63000
1912 211000
1913 312000
1914 176000

What Mint produced the coins?

Historically, Austrian-type coins were minted in Austria, and Hungarian-type coins were minted in the city of Kremnica in present day Slovakia. During the reign of Franz Joseph I, this city was called Kormoczbanya, therefore on all korona of the period of 1892-1914, you can find the stamp of the Mint “K * B”. Today, the Mint is located on the territory of Hungary in Budapest, and produces new edition of gold coins of this period with an indication of 1912, and fully preserved the obverse and reverse design.

Year of Issue Price (euro)
1892 250,00-252,47
1893 199,50-300,00
1894 310,00
1896 318,95
1897 340,20
1898 217,90-241,40
1899 301,93
1901 300,00
1902 280,00
1903 317,00
1904 290,00
1905 318,95
1906 208,05
1908 269,00
1909 300,00-320,00
1910 200,00-400,00
1911 550,00-750,00
1912 295,00
1914 180,00-220,00

The cost of these coins on the market

For the entire period from 1892 to 1914, gold coins of 20 korona denomination were minted in large circulation, therefore the number of surviving copies and the condition of the coins significantly affect their price on numismatic exchanges. In addition, their value is influenced by the current price of gold, which grows every year. Thanks to this, the 20 korona Hungarian coins of 1892-1914 interest not only the collectors, but also the investors.


Interesting Facts