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Modern commemorative gold coins of France

Modern commemorative gold coins of France are minted by Monnaie de Paris (French Mint), a state-owned commercial company. The coins of French production have a distinctive sign − a tiny the horn of plenty on the reverse, guaranteeing high quality of the sample. On the French commemorative gold coins, you can also find another sign − the seal of the famous Master Engraver Hubert Lariviere, who developed the unique design of most coins.

Coins issued in 2002

Coins issued in 2003

Coins issued in 2004

Coins issued in 2005

Coins issued in 2006

Coins issued in 2007

Coins issued in 2008

Coins issued in 2009

Coins issued in 2010

Coins issued in 2011

Coins issued in 2012

The cost of coins

Gold French commemorative coins, both modern and vintage, produced by the French Mint are rather highly appreciated by investors and collectors. The cost of each sample of modern coins varies depending on the place of the auction or the trading platform. On average, one gold French coin is bought for 500-800 euro, and the cost of the rarest samples (for example, the 2002 edition) can reach 1500 euro.

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