The Archangel Michael is a bullion coin, first minted in 2011. It is issued annually in small circulations of five denominations, four of which are gold and one is silver. The original purpose of the coins was to store and accumulate savings in a secure form without using foreign currency. However, because of the increase in price of precious metals during the last decade, the owners of coins have already received considerable benefits. From January 2016 to June 2018 only, the bank price of the Archangel Michael coins, made of silver, grew on 28-30%, and from gold – on 33-40%.
The Archangel Michael bullion coin
From 2011, the National Bank of Ukraine issues a series of coins dedicated to the Archangel Michael, revered biblical character, the defender of warriors and conqueror of evil.
General information of the series
Production: Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine
Denomination: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 hryvnias
Quality of minting: uncirculated
1 hryvnia
- artists: Vladimir Taran, Alexander Kharuk, Sergey Kharuk
- sculptors: Roman Tchaikovsky, Svyatoslav Ivanenko
Metal: silver (Ag 999.9)
Weight: 31.1 g
Diameter: 38.6 mm
Thickness: 3 mm
Edge: reeded
Total circulation: 156,195 pcs
Year |
Circulation |
2011 |
10,000 |
2012 |
20,000 |
2013 |
24,500 |
2014 |
24,705 |
2015 |
26,990 |
2016 |
20,000 |
2017 |
30,000 |
Obverse: central composition of an octagonal cartouche with the emblem of the National Bank of Ukraine inside: hryvnia, the currency of Kievan Rus, which was a bar of precious metal, in the center of the shield; griffins engraved on the sides; year of minting under the shield; coat of arms of Ukraine in the upper part of the coin; inscription “НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ” (THE NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE) on the both sides of it; inscription “Ag 999.9” on the left part of the coin, weight in grams “31.1” on the right part; face value “ОДНА ГРИВНЯ” (ONE HRYVNIA) at the bottom.
Reverse: image of Archangel Michael, the main angel, revered in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, symbolizes protection of the righteous and victory over evil, patronizes the soldiers; inscription along the edge”…ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА” (FOR US ARE THE SOULS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND STRENGTH OF ARCHISTRAGUE MICHAEL), which is a fragment from the poem “Gaydamaky” by T. Shevchenko.
Do you know? The Archangel Michael coin is the first and only bullion coin of Ukraine. Before that, only collectible and commemorative coins were issued. All Ukrainian silver coins in our catalog.
2 hryvnias
2 Hryvnias 2014 Ukrainian gold coin in our catalog.
- artists: Vladimir Taran, Alexander Kharuk, Sergey Kharuk
- sculptors: Vladimir Atamanchuk, Svyatoslav Ivanenko
Metal: gold (Au 999.9)
Weight: 3.11 g
Diameter: 16 mm
Thickness: 1.1 mm
Edge: reeded in sectors
Total circulation: 29,100 pcs
Year |
Circulation |
2012 |
8,000 |
2013 |
6,600 |
2014 |
5,000 |
2015 |
7,500 |
2016 |
2,000 |
Obverse: central composition of an octagonal cartouche with the emblem of the National Bank of Ukraine inside: hryvnia, the currency of Kievan Rus, which was a bar of precious metal, in the center of the shield; griffins engraved on the sides; year of minting under the shield; coat of arms of Ukraine in the upper part of the coin; inscription “НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ” (THE NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE) on the both sides of it; inscription “Ag 999.9” on the left part of the coin, weight in grams “3.11” on the right part; face value “ДВІ ГРИВНІ” (TWO HRYVNIAS) at the bottom.
Reverse: image of Archangel Michael, the main angel, revered in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, symbolizes protection of the righteous and victory over evil, patronizes the soldiers; inscription along the edge”…ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА” (FOR US ARE THE SOULS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND STRENGTH OF ARCHISTRAGUE MICHAEL), which is a fragment from the poem “Gaydamaky” by T. Shevchenko. All 2 Hryvnias Ukrainian gold coins in our catalog.
5 hryvnias
- artists: Vladimir Taran, Alexander Kharuk, Sergey Kharuk
- sculptors: Roman Tchaikovsky, Svyatoslav Ivanenko
Metal: gold (Au 999.9)
Weight: 7.78 g
Diameter: 20 mm
Thickness: 1.6 mm
Edge: reeded in sectors
Total circulation: 25,100 pcs
Year |
Circulation |
2011 |
3,000 |
2012 |
3,500 |
2013 |
5,300 |
2014 |
3,800 |
2015 |
7,500 |
2016 |
2,000 |
Obverse: central composition of an octagonal cartouche with the emblem of the National Bank of Ukraine inside: hryvnia, the currency of Kievan Rus, which was a bar of precious metal, in the center of the shield; griffins engraved on the sides; year of minting under the shield; coat of arms of Ukraine in the upper part of the coin; inscription “НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ” (THE NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE) on the both sides of it; inscription “Ag 999.9” on the left part of the coin, weight in grams “7.78” on the right part; face value “П’ЯТЬ ГРИВЕНЬ” (FIVE HRYVNIAS) at the bottom.
Reverse: image of Archangel Michael, the main angel, revered in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, symbolizes protection of the righteous and victory over evil, patronizes the soldiers; inscription along the edge”…ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА” (FOR US ARE THE SOULS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND STRENGTH OF ARCHISTRAGUE MICHAEL), which is a fragment from the poem “Gaydamaky” by T. Shevchenko.
10 hryvnias
- artists: Vladimir Taran, Alexander Kharuk, Sergey Kharuk
- sculptors: Vladimir Atamanchuk, Svyatoslav Ivanenko
Metal: gold (Au 999.9)
Weight: 15.55 g
Diameter: 25 mm
Thickness: 2 mm
Edge: reeded in sectors
Total circulation: 25,000 pcs.
Year |
Circulation |
2012 |
3,700 |
2013 |
4,500 |
2014 |
3,800 |
2015 |
3,000 |
2016 |
10,000 |
All 10 Hryvnias Ukrainian gold coins in our catalog.
Obverse: central composition of an octagonal cartouche with the emblem of the National Bank of Ukraine inside: hryvnia, the currency of Kievan Rus, which was a bar of precious metal, in the center of the shield; griffins engraved on the sides; year of minting under the shield; coat of arms of Ukraine in the upper part of the coin; inscription “НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ” (THE NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE) on the both sides of it; inscription “Ag 999.9” on the left part of the coin, weight in grams “15.55” on the right part; face value “ДЕСЯТЬ ГРИВЕНЬ” (TEN HRYVNIAS) at the bottom.
Reverse: image of Archangel Michael, the main angel, revered in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, symbolizes protection of the righteous and victory over evil, patronizes the soldiers; inscription along the edge”…ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА” (FOR US ARE THE SOULS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND STRENGTH OF ARCHISTRAGUE MICHAEL), which is a fragment from the poem “Gaydamaky” by T. Shevchenko.
20 hryvnias
- artists: Vladimir Taran, Alexander Kharuk, Sergey Kharuk.
- sculptors: Roman Tchaikovsky, Svyatoslav Ivanenko.
Metal: gold (Au 999.9)
Weight: 31.1 g
Diameter: 32 mm
Thickness: 2.4 mm
Edge: reeded in sectors
Total circulation: 30,800 pcs
Year |
Circulation |
2011 |
1,500 |
2012 |
5,900 |
2013 |
4,000 |
2014 |
6,400 |
2015 |
3,000 |
2016 |
10,000 |
Obverse: central composition of an octagonal cartouche with the emblem of the National Bank of Ukraine inside: hryvnia, the currency of Kievan Rus, which was a bar of precious metal, in the center of the shield; griffins engraved on the sides; year of minting under the shield; coat of arms of Ukraine in the upper part of the coin; inscription “НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ БАНК УКРАЇНИ” (THE NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE) on the both sides of it; inscription “Ag 999.9” on the left part of the coin, weight in grams “31.1” on the right part; face value “ДВАДЦЯТЬ ГРИВЕНЬ” (TWENTY HRYVNIAS) at the bottom.
Reverse: image of Archangel Michael, the main angel, revered in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, symbolizes protection of the righteous and victory over evil, patronizes the soldiers; inscription along the edge”…ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА” (FOR US ARE THE SOULS OF THE RIGHTEOUS, AND STRENGTH OF ARCHISTRAGUE MICHAEL), which is a fragment from the poem “Gaydamaky” by T. Shevchenko.
Cost of coins
1 hryvnia
From January 2016 to the beginning of June 2018, the NBU purchase price of the coin increased from 333-343 UAH to 429 UAH, and the selling price – from 430-441 UAH to 556 UAH. Mostly, it is connected to the increase in prices on silver in recent years.
2 hryvnias
The situation with gold is the same. In January 2016, it was possible to buy the Archangel Michael coin for 2,748-3,026 UAH, while the NBU was buying up coins for 2,546-2,804 UAH. By the early June 2018, the NBU purchase price grew to 3,407 UAH and selling price to 3,848 UAH.
5 hryvnias
The NBU purchase price of a coin in January 2016 was 6,365-7,010 UAH, and the selling price was 6,805-7,495 UAH. By the beginning of June 2018, the purchase price grew to 8,518 UAH, and the selling price was up to 9,364 UAH.
10 hryvnias
From January 2016 to the early June 2018, the NBU purchase price of coins increased from 12,730-14,020 UAH up to 17,035 UAH, while the selling price rose from 13,484-14,850 UAH up to 18,557 UAH.
20 hryvnias
In January 2016, the NBU was buying coins for 25,461-28,039 UAH, and selling them for 26,713-29,420 UAH. In the early June 2018, the purchase price increased to 34,070 UAH and selling price to 36,774 UAH.
The benefit from buying silver bullion coins Archangel Michael comes not only from precious metal, the prices for which have been growing for the past eight years but also from their small-scale circulations, which creates interest for collectors. For example, the American analog “Silver Eagle”, is produced in 10-40 million copies, the Chinese “Panda” – 8 million, the Austrian silver “Philharmoniker” has a circulation from 3 to 18 million. The circulation of most gold “Archangels” is even smaller, and they permanently attract numismatists.
All Ukrainian gold coins in our catalog.
Interesting facts
- Since 2013, the Archangel Michael coin with a face value of 1 hryvnia is included in the”Fabulous 15″ collection, produced by the Royal Mint of Canada. It consists of 15 best silver bullion coins of the world weighing 1 ounce. Along with the Ukrainian Archangel Michael, the series consistently includes the Canadian Maple Leaf, American Silver Eagle, Chinese Panda, Austrian Philharmoniker, and the British Britain. The annual circulation of the collection is 10 thousand copies. In 2018, the Archangel Michael coin was once again included in the “Fabulous 15” collection.
- Under the legislation of Ukraine, the purchase/sale of coins from refined precious metals (refined to the highest purity) is not taxed.
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